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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Blake Tooth

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  1. I would like to try a simple speciation model to check the predominant Au species in an experimental system. The experimental system is as follows; acetate buffer (0.2 molal, 50:50 sodium acetate: acetic acid, decoupled HCO3-: acetate redox pair as pH is consistent after cooling) Au (added as AuCl4- or native Au) 0.2 molal NaCl I am interested in the effect of how changing the chloride concentration will affect gold speciation and solubility. I consistently get singular matrix errors when trying to set up this system and am now getting confused as to what kind of input to use. Some help with setting up the input would be most appreciated. Blake
  2. Hi, I'm a new user to GWB and would like to know if there is an easy way to convert between activities and concentrations in act2, and if there's not if there's an easy way to get the activity coefficients that are used when generating the diagrams to convert them manually or whether using something like spece8 will have what I'm looking for in the output? Cheers, Blake
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