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  1. Thanks, I di it for species. I there short manual for dummies "how to modify dataset and commom mistakes with that"
  2. Thanks! Brian. Now I am thinking what whould be easier to get is in kinetic form or mess whith databases (which I am scared to do)
  3. CN_Average_Barren.reaHi Tom or Brian, I am trying to model cyanide decomposition using equilibrium approach with adding simple reactants. The process is described here http://dana6.free.fr/2%20SO2-Air%20cyanide%20oxydation.pdf Minteq database seems have species I need including metal-CN ones (I cannot attach it due to your uplaoda limits). However, species like CN-, OCN-, and HN4+ are more like components in the database or using “redox” terminology of GWB decupled. Therefore reaction 6.32 and 6.38 does not work . Please, could you propose easy way to achieve the objective without getting into kinetics and catalysis? May be you advise how fix database to make it work. Thanks a lot! Nikolay
  4. I cannot patch it. See attched. (Read above one time more and that I am more poet than geochemist) I am sure that I have GWB 8.0
  5. Hi Tom, I kind of upset with GSS behavior. It crashes sometimes, ~40% cases, when I try to save it. No error messages. Nothing. Gets closed with no changes in the file. I get feeling that it is happening whent I try to change ether concentration units or symbols for the samples. I am getting irritated redoing the work. I can do water chemistry diagram plotting in AqQA that I bight from you, but it has very limited editing options for the plot. Please see attached file and reccomend what to do. Thanks, Nikolay Brady_min_max.gss
  6. Thanks for quick response – you save two days for the project (and killed my week end, which supposed to be killed) I did work, but with problems. First, I load file Acid_brine.rea and run the React. Then I picked the brine to the reactants. Secondly, I loaded file Mineral_160m_CO2.rea with initial solution and mineralogy (aquifer composition). During the second step there is a change happening with H and O on reactants tab (see screenshot and files in your mailbox). Oxygen impacted the most, from -2.3e-10 to -0.001 moles. This change greatly impacts pe of the model. Please could you clarify what am I doing wrong and why is this change happening? Thanks, Nikolay
  7. Hi Tom, I have one fluid on basis tab and kinetic minerals and gas injection rate on Reactants tab. I would like to add second solution to the system at certain rate (10 ml/year). What is the best in GWB way to do this “kinetic” mixing? How can I input composition of the second fluid once and then change rate of the injection? Could you respond today please? – I will be working through weekend. Thank you in advance, Nikolay
  8. Thanks a lot, We can close the topic, but I wish we would have a some king topic for "troubleshooting steps for convergance issues" pinned, as there is no such thing in the manual.
  9. Thanks! Did work when I the file copied into Windows/fonts folder.
  10. Thank you for the advice, Unfortunately, I need all of them - regulatory requirements. Most of them now are conservative and model runs well without Na-montmorillonite, as I mentioned. Any other suggestions why montmorillonite chokes the model? Regards, Nikolay
  11. Hi Tom, I tried extract the .ttf file and right click on it - there is no "installation option". See attached screenshot in your e-mail.
  12. Hi Tom, Trying to run relatively simple kinetic model (see attached). It did not converge after addition of the Na- montmorillonite. If this one killed form the reactants or swapped as EQ mineral – model work well. I will probably end up with EQ control for Na- montmorillonite. I played a bit with time-step settings, but it did not help. I can ether run Na- montmorillonite one set of settings or the rest of the minerals with different ones. Could you look at the attached file please? Thank you in advance, Nikolay Mineral_35m.rea
  13. Thank you, but it did not work. I saved it. Right click the file -there is no option to install as it is just win-zip file with font in it, but not self installer. I Could not attach the screeshot - size quota. Regards, Nikolay
  14. No it did not go off after the reboot. Please send the installer.
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