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Found 4 results

  1. Hi there, I am trying to speciate co2 charged water related to my study. When I am doing the speciation without a charge balance, the solution has converged and is showing speciation with <1% of charge balance error. However, when I am trying to speciate the solution with Na-charge balance on, it is throwing an error, indicating: Residuals too large, 693-th interations. Largest residual Resid Resid/Totmol Cbasis Na+ 0.0731 1.14e+200 6.399e-202 Please suggest me how to overcome this problem. I have attached both the files for your reference. The database that I have used is thermo.dat CO2 charged water with charge balance.sp8 CO2 charged water without charge balance.sp8
  2. Is there a way to fix ionic strength for a simulation in GWB SpecE8, instead of calculating it? I am trying to simulate seawater while fixing ionic strength at the accepted bulk value (0.697). I add all major bulk components of seawater (ex. Cl-, Mg++, Na+, etc.) to my solution, but there is of course some small error between calculated ionic strength from the major bulk components, and the accepted bulk value in seawater. I would like to fix this value so I can properly calculate the activities of all components. Thanks in advance!
  3. I am attempting to calculate water chemistries in equilibrium with several common evaporite assemblages specific to my area of study and then run further evaporation calculations on these waters. It seems as if the best way to do this would be to determine the water chemistries in SpecE8 and then run evaporation calculations in React. For example, I am swapping in calcite for Ca++, gypsum for SO4--, glauberite for Na+, and halite for Cl-. Then I am including PCO2 calculated for 400ppm CO2 and a pH of 8. I continue to get an error stating "Ionic strength out of range". I have also attempted inputting an initial water chemistry and then setting equilibrium with these specific minerals but it doesn't seem to be plausible when swapping in several minerals for ions that might be in solution. I am still new to working with Geochemist's Workbench and unsure if this is the correct way to determine a water chemistry in equilibrium with several minerals. Much appreciated if you can shed some light on the subject.
  4. Hi, I am trying to look at the speciation of a solution passed through a peat soil and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of datasets that include sorption sites on humic acids, etc. Thanks, Isaiah
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