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Gtplot - error message

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After run an script in React, I view the results correctly but when I try to plot the Rxn progress with Gtplot I obtain the error message:


add_elem_comp: invalid coefficient


Somebody knows what means this error?


I run the same scripts with the GWB 7.0.6 and I never obtained this error.


Best regards,



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After run an script in React, I view the results correctly but when I try to plot the Rxn progress with Gtplot I obtain the error message:


add_elem_comp: invalid coefficient


Somebody knows what means this error?


I run the same scripts with the GWB 7.0.6 and I never obtained this error.


Best regards,




Dear Jose:


Can you send me the problem script?




Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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Dear Jose:


Thank you for sending me your script.


It looks like there's an issue with species that have a large number of components- in your case, Smectite-high-Fe-Mg.


This issue will be addressed in the upcoming patch 8.0.2.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Apologies for the inconvenience.




Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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