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script: kinetic rate


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Hi Brian


I am trying to simulate acidification over time in a column test.

Can you please tell me what is wrong with my script for a kinetic mineral below...





IF pH > 3 THEN 20 ELSE 40

20: rate = 6.4565e-13 * surface * (1 - Q/K) * (activity("H+")^-0.11) * (activity("O2(aq)")^0.5)


40: rate = rate_con * surface * (1 - Q/K) * (activity("Fe+++")^0.93) * (activity("Fe++")^-0.4)

60: RETURN rate






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Hi Brian


When I replace the built in rate law with the script the mineral does not react.


I thought that maybe it is again the script that is the problem as no reaction takes place. However if I specify the first condition of the script in the built in law then it runs perfectly. But I would like to run the second condition also.




Column test pyr.x1t

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Hi Johan,


We've found a small error in the rate-law parser when reading pH. This will be fixed in the next maintenance release. In the meantime, I think you can use the rate-law scrip below in its place. Be sure to verify that it is behaving as you would expect it to (perhaps run a batch model).


IF activity("H+") < 1e-3 THEN 20 ELSE 40

20: rate = 6.4565e-13 * surface * (1 - Q/K) * (activity("H+")^-0.11) * (activity("O2(aq)")^0.5)


40: rate = rate_con * surface * (1 - Q/K) * (activity("Fe+++")^0.93) * (activity("Fe++")^-0.4)

60: RETURN rate


Apologies for the inconvenience.




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