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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Posts posted by hayleycas

  1. I am trying to simulate the injection of contaminated water into an aquifer at an injection rate of 25L/s over a 16 month period using x2t. The aquifer has a flow rate of 0.001 m/day and the domain consists of cells 100cm x 100cm x 2m with a total of 100 cells. When I run the model the number of timesteps is arond 10 billion, which would take forever to run. I have tweaked the parameters as much as I possibly can but do not seem to be able to reduce the number of timesteps.


    I would really appreciate someone having a look at my script and telling me if I have an error in the script or whether the scenario is the problem.


    I have attached the script to this email.



    Scenario 4 v1d.x2t

  2. I am trying to model the the water-rock interaction between a simple water sample and dolomite using REACT. I have followed the tutorial from the GWB website but when I plot the results I do not get option for plotting minerals on the y-axis. I cannot see what I am doing differently in my script from the one in the tutorial.


    I have attached my file to this post.



    Water Dolomite.rea

  3. I am trying to simulate the pumping of a waste water into an aquifer and am attempting to do this via X1t as I want to specifiy flow rates and time components. As well as elemental composition I want to be able to specify system parameters such as TDS, EC and Alalinity but these are not options under the "add" button.


    Is it possible to add other elements and parameters that are not in the drop down menu? If so how do I do this?

  4. Is it possible to get an output file for the simulations run with react or x1t?


    I can produce graphs of the data but would like to get the concentrations of elements in the different cells on individual timesteps, so I can input them into a separate model.


    Is the output data stored on a drive on my computer and if so how can I view it?

  5. When I am trying to run simulations of water mixing, reaction of groundwater and mineral phase (among others) I keep getting this error message:


    N-R didn't converge after 999 its., maximum residual = 1, Xi = 0.0000


    I have no idea what it means and as such am not able to work out what to do with my data to enable my simulations to work.


    I would appreciate some feedback explaining this error message, as it is completely baffling me and I cannot seemed to find the answer anywhere in the manuals.




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