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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Everything posted by Skyboarder

  1. Indeed, the expression time_step here is a string, sorry about that (Maybe a string concatenation would work?) Here is the beginning of the code, that you might find useful to see : /* This program works as a pipe between Geochemist's Workbench and MATLAB */ #include "RC_helper.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> // #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; //void pipe(string &, string &, string &); void main(string &mass_W, string &time_step, string &temp) { char* script1[] = { "reset", //"time begin = 0 seconds, end = " + time_step + " seconds", //"T = " + temp + " K", "SiO2(aq) = 1 umolal", "react 5000 g Quartz", "kinetic Quartz rate_con = 2.e-15 surface = 1000", "go", "" }; Thank you
  2. I apologize for the vague message I sent earlier, I need to precise that I tried to add some arguments to the main function (mass, time_step, temp) for them to be sent to GWB via this pipe program. Hence I get this error when I try to insert them in a line of the scripts sent through the pipe : "time begin = 0 seconds, end = " + time_step + " seconds" Do you know any trick that I could use for that to be possible? Thank you Skyboarder
  3. Hello Tom, I am also working on a project that requires communication between MATLAB and Geochemist's Workbench. I use Visual C++ as well, and on top on the fact that I couldn't "remove explicit use of the Unicode character set", I get different errors resembling this one: Would you be able to help me to use these pipe source files properly? I am going to need them for the next 5 month of my project... Thank you in advance and have a good afternoon, Skyboarder
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