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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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  1. Brian here is the script. Thanks! run 1.rea
  2. Hi Brian, thank you for your response. Another question,first I speciated my reservoir rock with my formation brine. Than I picked up the whole system. At that point the GWB swapped my Al+++ with Analcime. I also have Kaolinite, Daphnite 14A, Kspar, and Saponite-Mg. All these minerals have Al+++. How would I account for the Al+++ content in this case since the Al+++ was swapped with Analcime? Thank you
  3. I start with 160 grams of Kaolinite. when I finish running the react model I do not end up with enough Analcime in the system. I don't know where my Al++ goes. I would appreciate any help.
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