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Posts posted by akram

  1. Dear Brian,

    Hope you are fine,


    You mentioned in previous email that reaction (HgCO3(aq)+2 H2O = 2H+ + Hg(OH)2 +CO3-- )


    which is valid at 25C, but I have found this data when I used Rxn.


    HgCO3 (aq) + 2 H2O = 2 H+ + Hg(OH)2 + CO3--


    Log K's:

    0 °C: -18.2900 55 °C: -18.2900

    12 °C: -18.2900 70 °C: -18.2900

    25 °C: -18.2900 85 °C: -18.2900

    40 °C: -18.2900 100 °C: -18.2900


    Polynomial fit:

    log K = -18.29 + 5.64e-14 × T - 2.788e-15 × T^2 + 4.38e-17 × T^3 - 2.149e-19 × T^4


    Equilibrium equation:

    log K = - log a[HgCO3 (aq)] + 2 × log a[H+] + log a[Hg(OH)2]

    - 2 × log a[H2O] + log a[CO3--]


    So, could you help me to add them to my pourbaix diagram which I have sent to you


    Best regards,



  2. Hi Brian,


    Hope you are fine!


    I am hoping to consider Iron and mercuric ion in my diagram but I don't want oxygen on it. Yes, the oxidation of Fe is Fe++ and Hg is Hg++.

    In addition, I have tried what you mentioned in previous email but I have problem about how to add entries to thermo data even if I read the Appendix that you have mentioned. Please, could you add it or help me to add it because I have hard time to add it.



    I am looking forward to hearing from you,





  3. I tried to plot Fe_Hg_H2O system in Act2 but I don't get Fe. SO, I used Fe++ to plot it and I obtain the diagram wich doesn't have iron solid on it and it is sound strange. In addition, when I talked to my adviser,he told me should I get iron solid on it.Finally, I would like to ask about how I can get Fe in database in order to plot my diagram.


    I am looking in advance to hearing from you.


    Best regards,



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