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  1. Oh, I think SO4 isn't being speciated in the latter diagram. The blue speciation labels are missing for a start. Also, if I put in the range -10 to 0.01 instead, the diagram works as intended:
  2. I noticed a problem today with one of my speciation diagrams. The diagram script is > # Tact script, saved Tue Jun 02 2015 by Alex > data = "C:\Users\Alex\Dropbox\PostDoc\GWB\MY DATABASES\thermo.dspeq06_au_new7.dat" verify > diagram Au+ > log activity main = -8 > pH = 6 > log activity SO4-- = -3 > swap SO4--/H2S(aq) for O2(aq) > diagram x = SO4--/H2S(aq) > speciate SO4-- > x-axis from -10 to 5 increment 2 > y-axis from 0 to 400 increment 50 > mosaic_labels > line labels size = 23 Tact > and looks like this (by the way I know this is "correct" because it looks very similar to a published diagram). But if I change the x-axis range from -10 to 4, to -10 to 0, it looks like this: Which is clearly not simply a more restricted range of the first diagram. So it seems changing the scale range is doing something other than what I thought it would. Is it a bug or do I just not understand what is happening here? Cheers Alex
  3. Hi elmin, I had touble with DBCreate too and I contact the second author on their paper, Benjamin, he's the one that posted about DBCreate here on GWB forums. He said that a lot of people have had trouble with the windows executables published in the supplementary material. However, he was able to provide me with a newer version which works flawlessly.
  4. Hi guys, Does anyone have a copy of the K2GWB script as described: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098300405000105# The links given in the paper appear to no longer work and all my google skills don't turn anything up. Thanks, Alex
  5. I've just noticed that escaping the slashes makes the file string correct but actually doesn't solve the error. So before escaping the slashes, the error is: Error: Can't find file "{C:Program FilesGwbGtdata hermo.dat}" Whereas with double slashes the file path appears correctly but the error still occurs: Error: Can't find file "{C:\Program Files\Gwb\Gtdata\thermo.dat}"
  6. Also, forgot to add, the problem only occurs from within a script, not if you just type them into the command box.
  7. Hello, If I have written a script that does something like this: script start go pickup reactants minerals save minerals.rea #do some other stuff #recall the minerals you saved earlier read minerals.rea GWB throws up an error about not being able to locate the database file. The problem is that the beginning of every saved .rea has the line data = "C:\Program Files\Gwb\Gtdata\thermo.dat" verify But of course those slashes really need to be escaped like: data = "C:\\Program Files\\Gwb\Gtdata\\thermo.dat" verify with the result that the wrong file string is sent to GWB. Is there a simple way around this? I have worked around it by using the following code to delete the first two lines of the file like so: set source [open "fluid0$cellCurrent\.rea" r] set outFluid [open "fluid0$cellCurrent\_deleted.rea" w] gets $source aline gets $source aline while {$aline!=""} { gets $source aline puts $outFluid $aline } close $source close $outFluid By the way, this problem threw up a secondary issue where the "read" tcl command conflicts with the "read" GWB command. So I've had to use "gets" to work around that issue. The above code is very inflexible and clumsy because I can't read the whole file into tcl. Is there a way to specify that a command is for tcl and not for GWB? So to recap, two issues, is there a way to save parts of the system to a file without the preamble database file string? It would be great to be able to save just the minerals or just the fluid, for example. And is there a way to solve the conflict of the "read" command?
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