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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Andrew L

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Posts posted by Andrew L

  1. I tried to write the rate law as a script directly into the input file. I included the values of R, T, n, and KT directly into the script and assigned the values of k and Ea in the GUI. I also multiplied the rate equation by the surface area (which was assigned in the GUI) and (1 - Q/K). When I try to run the model, I get an error message indicating my rate law cannot be evaluated. The model is attached, and I would appreciate help. Thanks!

    anorthite dissolution.rea

  2. I would like to use the labradorite dissolution rate provided in Carroll and Knauss (2005, Chemical Geology) in a kinetic model in GWB. The rate is given by


    r = k * 10(-Ea/(2.303RT)) * [(aH+3n/aAl3+n)KT/(1+KT(aH+3n/aAl3+n))]


    where the rate constant k is 10-5.69 mol cm-2 s-1, the activation energy Ea is 10.06 kcal mol-1, n is 0.31, and KT is a complex formation constant that varies with temperature. How do I incorporate this rate equation in GWB?



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