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Posts posted by maybright

  1. Hi Brian,


    Thanks for your reply.

    When I use Dolomite as a swap, it means it is forced to be in equilibrium? I think in my solution Dolomite is still dissolving, so I want to calculate SI for it as well. Can I only swap CO2 with H+, and use HCO3- to equilibrate charge balance?






    Hi Jin,


    You have two original basis entries (H+ and HCO3-) and two species you can swap in and constrain (set the fugacity of CO2(g) and the mass of Dolomite). The reactions for CO2(g) and Dolomite-ord include both H+ and HCO3-, so it doesn't matter here what gets swapped for what.


    Here's an example from section 19.4, Dolomitization of a limestone, in Craig Bethke's Geochemical and Biogeochemical Reaction Modeling text.


    T = 60

    swap CO2(g) for H+

    swap Dolomite-ord for HCO3-

    f CO2(g) = 1

    1 free mol Dolomite-ord

    Na+ = .1 molal

    Cl- = .1 molal

    Ca++ = .01 molal

    Mg++ = .01 molal


    You could alternatively swap the CO2(g) for the HCO3- and the Dolomite-ord for the H+ and arrive at the same results.


    Hope this helps,


    Brian Farrell

    Aqueous Solutions LLC




  2. Hello,


    I made an reactive experiment with CO2-enrich brine and minerals under pressure. I have fluid sample information like most cation concentrations and the amount of CO2 exsolved at atm pressure (converted to CO2 fugacity). However I have no pH measurements at high pressure.

    I would like to use GWB to calculate mineral saturation index, but I'm a bit confused about setting up pH and HCO3-. The presents of CO2 and carbonate (dolomite) should both effect pH and HCO3-, so which should I put to swap with which..?

    I really appreciate if someone can show me the right way to set up the condition and calculate mineral (dolomite) SI.


    Many thanks,


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