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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Posts posted by aoehlert

  1. Hi GWB Forum,

    I am trying to mix two seawater samples with the same chemistry, but different temperatures and calculate a flash diagram for aragonite saturation state using React following the "Fluid Mixing and Scaling" instructions.  I have also calculated the endmember fluid Log(Q/K) values for aragonite using GSS.

    I am getting a very different answer for the end member compositions depending on which approach I take. I checked that I am using the same thermo database (phreeqpitz) for both, and am having trouble understanding why they are so different.

    I've attached my React file, and my gss file for your reference.

    Thanks for any insights,




  2. Hello everyone,

    New GWB user, and new to the forum. 

    I would like to add a mineral to the thermo database, and thought I followed the TE edit tutorial properly. However, when I run the calculation for all the minerals, the row where the thenardite data should show up is empty. I'm not sure where I went wrong, and would appreciate some guidance. Attached please find my .dat file.

    Thank you,



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