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Jeonghwan Hwang

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  1. Hello, I am Jeonghwan, Hwang. I'm trying to make a Temperature-Pressure Phase diagram for CO2. My question is, can I make the following picture using GWB? In this figure, there are Temperature on the X-axis and Pressure on the Y-axis. Unfortunately, I cannot find to change the Pressure to X or Y-axis. If possible, is there an example I can refer to? Thank you Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang
  2. Hi, My name is Jeonghwan Hwang. I am studying about sorption isotherm, and i want to make a sorption isotherm using GWB. However, i cannot find how to make isotherm in any tutorial or workshop material. Can i make the sorption isotherm? I attached a sample which was resulted by PHREEQC. I wonder if I can make a figure like this. Thank you for kind reading. Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang
  3. Hello, thank you for your help. I find that AlO2- mainly affect to decrease pH in my model. So, I made a model which i want to make by suppress the AlO2-. Next time, i wanted to know whether my react model can be an equilibrium condition . So, I extended my model time from 30 yr to 500 yr. And I find that pH of my model converged to 8.3 after almost 100 yr. I have 2 questions in my model. 1) Can i suppress AlO2- in my model? Is there any physical or chemical problem of my model to represent real environment? I don't know well of suppress... 2) Can I say that my model has an equilibrium condition of pH? Thank you Sincerely Jeonghwan Hwang REACT0928.rea
  4. Hi, this is Jeonghwan Hwang, Thank you for reading. I want to make a reactive transport modeling of fluid in montmorillonite-Ca. At first time, i need to make the converged initial condition and use react with 'thermo.com.V8.R6+'. 1) I used the initial water composition with field data. HCO3- ion was selected to balacing ion because balancing with Cl- could not converge the model. 2) I put the reactants 'montmor-Ca' and put the rate 0.1 volume%/yr After run, I saw that the pH of fluid was rapidly decreased at first term of my model. At first, i think my model should increase the pH, because the reaction of montmorillonite-Ca need H+ ion. Can anyone please answer to my question? Thank you. Sincerely Jeonghwan Hwang React-question.rea
  5. Hi, this is Jeonghwan Hwang. I want to make a phase diagram of illite/smectite/kaolinite stability diagrams that was adapted from Garrels, 1984 I made almost similar figure with it, but i could not make illite and montmorillonite in it... (Galles.ac2) I used other thermo data, V8R6+ (Galles-1.ac2), but it could not solve, neither. Are there any technical method to make it? Thank you Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang. Galles.ac2 Galles-1.ac2
  6. Hi, thank you for reading. I wanted to make a phase diagram of Ca-montmorillonite, but I know that I have to define the geochemical condition properly. So, I am going to make a initial water composition of bentonite. For this reason, I use 'react' and put the initial groundwater composition of Gyeongju deep groundwater at 'Basis' and Montmor-Ca at 'Reactants'. I used thermo.com.V8R6+ to define Ca-montmorillonite. The temperature was defined at '130 cel' which was usually used in high-level radiowaste disposal. Unchecked 'precipitation' at iteration, because I want to make only groundwater condition. Finally, I defined 300 yr to make a equilibrium condition. The question is below; 1) why did H+ moles in final results show negative value (-164)? And, can i solve it? 2) the results showed the same pattern with different time scale, 10 yr, 300 yr, 1 yr. why did this results present? 3) are there any method to approach the results more precisely? Thank you. Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang CaB-Raw 0808.rea React_output.txt
  7. Thank you for your kind help. Now, I roughly made a phase diagram with Ca-Montmorillonite and illite. I used 'Thermo.com.V8R6+' database. And, I have a new question right now. Is this phase diagram meaningful? If not, how can i make it more meaningful? How can i know or tell the meaning of phase diagram? I know that it is very basic question and feel sorry to ask it. But i cannot find it at GWB guide... Very very thank you for your kindly help. Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwanga
  8. Hi, Thank you for your kind help. I can find the thermodynamic datasets which contain the imformation of montmorillonite. (thermo.com.V8.R6) And i also find the reference script of montmorillonite-illite phase diagram which were made by GWB. Unfortunately, i cannot make the phase diagram like capture.jpg... But i don't know what is main problem... Can anybody tell me about my mistake? Thank you, Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang
  9. Dear, pavanpec30 Hello, this it Jeonghwan Hwang, i'm new to GWB. I'm interested in Montmorillonite-illite diagenesis and want to make a phase diagram. Unfortunately, i cannot find any similar mineral as montmorillonite in GWB. Can you help me to find the montmorillonite? Thank you Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang
  10. Hi, this is Jeonghwan Hwang. I wan't to make the phase diagram for montmorillonite-illite diagenesis using temperature and pressure. But i cannot find the montmorillonite in any mineral information. How to find the montmorillonite? I am very pleased to help me. Sincerely, Jeonghwan Hwang
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