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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Pang Yuhan

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Everything posted by Pang Yuhan

  1. Setting to 1 may be a problem. Because in the result, I found that the porosity value will be greater than 1.
  2. Thank you for your reply! I use the latest version of gwb14. Set to 1 because I want to set an open crack in the center of the model.
  3. Hellow~ I tried to build a transport model of carbonate dissolution reaction. However, the following situations were encountered during the simulation: 1.At 60% of the simulation time, the simulation interrupt caused by too large residual error occurs. 2.During the simulation, although the program is still running, the progress will not increase (Xi will not increase, but the reaction simulation is still running). I want to know what caused these problems and how to solve them? Thank you! 白云石溶解(裂缝).x2t 方解石溶解(裂缝).x2t
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