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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Posts posted by dietrimj

  1. Hello,

    I am using React in GWB to try and calculate Kd values based on the sorbed component of an element and the dissolved "in fluid" component, and am a bit confused regarding the React output file (attached here).

    Essentially, I am curious as to why the sorbed (mg/kg)/in fluid (mg/kg) don't match up with the Kd (L/kg) values at all in the output for each reaction step? I realize that there is a slight conversion of the fluid concentration to mg/L from mg/kg for the Kd value calculation, but it shouldn't be as large as the differences I'm seeing.

    Also, while I realize the Kd values assume the mineral content of the system is fully defined, I was wondering how it takes into account inert volume? In my output, it looks like the inert volume doesn't contribute to the mineral mass, so I'm not sure how it affects the Kd value calculations (if at all)?

    Any help or insight would be appreciated.



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