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Everything posted by lcrossey

  1. Sorry for the double posting Jia- I used the general one before realizing I had access to this one! I now can adjust the database for an original run and see it reflected in the results pane. Also, I have become better at using the TdEdit to see which aqueous species are contained in a particular database. Do you foresee adding hydroxide species of Zn to the default database in the future?
  2. I am trying to use the phreeqc database for some Zn modelling. Though I change it in the preferences, on my actual run information tab it states that wateqf is being used. Can you please help me assure I am properly changing the database? I had some assistance two days ago from Jia on the community forum on a related question. Zn_simple.ac2
  3. Thank you for responding Jia! I am attaching a simple input file to generate an EH-pH diagram for Zinc. I have an updated version and am using the default database. I am not seeing any Zn-hydroxide aqueous species that I expect at higher pH. I have no problem with Fe or Mn, for example. I have more complex chemistry to explore planned, but until I understand why there are no Zn-hydroxide species, I feel I cannot rely on this output. The Zn-hydroxide species do not even show up in the swap option as is the case for Fe, Mn, etc. If they are missing in the standard database (and I have seen publications referencing these species in the LLNL database, I would appreciate help in locating a database that does include them. Thanks again for any thoughts on this. Zn_simple.ac2
  4. In a simple Zn speciation model (in ACT2) I am not seeing fields for Zn-hydroxide species as expected. No prob with Fe,Mn and others.
  5. When attempting to open old gssfiles created by a research collaborator, I receive the error shown below. Is there a way to retrieve or access the data in thesefiles?
  6. In the above example, is there a way to add the dashed Q and am silica directly with GWB in ACT2?
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