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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Marty Goldhaber

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Posts posted by Marty Goldhaber

  1. That worked. Thanks!


    Hi Marty,


    It looks like GSS and Gtplot do not like the calculated mineral saturations from older versions of GWB. In prior releases of GSS, the mineral saturation calculated and the unit label were not in the same form (log Q/K vs Q/K). If you look in your spreadsheet, it says Q/K, but actually log Q/K is reported (you'll see some negative values which will clue you in to this). If you delete the columns with mineral saturation, then recalculate, you should be all set(you can have either Q/K or log Q/K in your spreadsheet). You should check your old spreadsheets to see whether they are correct. Sorry about this mistake in an old release.


    Hope this helps,

    Brian Farrell

    Aqueous Solutions LLC

  2. Tom:

    The latest issue of Elements magazine has a Workbench add that talks about soil water remediation models and mentions partially to fully saturated media. Is there an example somewhere that illustrates that capability. I am interested in the effect of water table on pyrite oxidation in a soil profile.


  3. Hi Marty:


    You're currently limited to one sample. With not too much work, you can plot consecutive samples in Gtplot and port the data directly from Gtplot to Excel using the Edit - Copy As - Spreadsheet option in Gtplot, followed up by pasting in Excel. This way you can rapidly build a datasheet for multiple samples, and then plot in Excel.


    Hope that helps,


    Tom Meuzelaar

    RockWare, Inc.


    Thanks: Much better than what I was doing

  4. Is there a way to go from running multiple water analysis samples through SpecE8 via the new GSS spreadsheet to plotting the output of that calculation? I have 50 water analyses in GSS from which I can easily plot piper diagrams etc, but when I run all the samples through SpecE8 it makes 50 output files. I want to plot e.g. calcite saturation for all those samples on the same graph. Do I still need to run a script as before (multiple analyses appendix of reference manual)? I am running 8.0.5. By the way, if I try and limit print options in SpecE8 to only output mineral saturation and make aggragating the mineral saturation easier, the launch command in GSS always gives me the full spectrum of output options.

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