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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Everything posted by HydrothermalDude

  1. Hello again, So I was putting dissolution rate parameters into a kinetic mineral in the reactants tab. When I would input the dissolution rate law, I had a species (SiO2(aq)) which is part of the function and is raised to a particular power. When putting the power dependency into the kinetics the stoichiometry of the rate constant changes from mol/(cm2*s) to mol.75kg.25/(cm2*s) for example. What does this imply? Thanks, Drew Here is the attached gwb script: The database is for 500 bars and at 300C....so don't necessarily try to run it Olv-Talc(Kinetic).rea
  2. Thanks Tom for the quick response...after a little more work and your advice I got the model to work. Drew
  3. Hello GWB, I am currently trying to run a kinetic model in GWB that emulates talc dissolution. I have a rate equation that does not require a rate constant but an activation energy. This particular rate law is not represented by GWB so I had to create a "Custom Rate Law"...I put in all the script into the command screen and it successfully transfered the information to the talc(kinetic mineral) on the react screen. I give the system initially 6 grams of talc to dissolve according to the rate law...unfortunately, GWB continues asking me for a rate constant which is not required. Could someone provide me some help/solution to this problem. Thanks, Drew Syverson Here is the rate law: kinetic Talc rate_law='surface*(5.0e-9*(activity(''H+'')^2/activity(''Mg2+''))^(1/4)+0.8e-9)*exp(-act_en/(8.314*TK))', surface=9000 The act_en = 45000 J/mol, TK = 298.15 K Attached is the GWB react system. Talc(Kinetic).rea
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