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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

minor dialog bug

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In any of the programs, when I specify a new thermo database at the command pane or in a script, the "File->Open->Thermo Data" menu item no longer brings up a file selection dialog box. The menu/dialog box work fine as long as I use them exclusively.



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Hello Peter,

Thanks for reporting this issue. We are not able to reproduce this issue on our end. Can you provide more context with regards to when this started occurring? Were any settings on your machine changed recently?

Can you try restarting your computer to see if that resolves the issue? 

Best regards,
Jia Wang

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I now see the difference in the command is really in the direction of the slashes. If the command to read thermo dat uses \ in the path then everything is fine. If it uses / then the file is read in correctly, but the dialog stops working.


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