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confusion about thermo dataset

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Hey, Jia

   Sorry to disturb you. Recently I meet a problem after changing computer to run my file in react.  When I open "thermo+Lactate.tdat" downloaded from Microbial Populations, the interface shows error. Thus I want to look for help to solve this problem . Besides,  I would  like to find out how to learn GWB perfectly. By cases? However, I find I always create some strange problems, which belong to details and can't be found in reference files.




Best wishes,


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Hello Wen Qiu,

The thermo datasets available from the GWB Academy are updated to the latest format. If you are using an older version of GWB (GWB 2021 is the current release), your GWB applications are not able to read in the newer formatted dataset. 

You can open the thermo file with the error message in a text editor, locate the Lactate entry and then enter the corresponding reaction into thermo.tdat (a compatible version with the GWB software you have installed) and then save this new dataset with a different name. You can find the thermo datasets installed with the GWB in the Gtdata folder where the GWB is installed.  For more information on using TEdit, please see section 9.2.2 Adding and deleting entries of the GWB Essentials User Guide.

Hope this helps,
Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions LLC

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Hey Jia,

       I'm very happy to receive your early reply. I have try to update GWB to the latest 12.0.8 edition. But I still can't open the thermo file with the error message. Now I try to modify the thermo dataset: Last line read is line 2. Hope to solve the problem.


Best wishes, 

Wen Qiu 

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Hello Wen Qiu,

I apologize for the confusion. The most current version is GWB 2021, release version 15.01. The thermo dataset downloaded from the GWB Academy will use the dataset format compatible in this latest version but not compatible with GWB 12.08. 

You can create a version that is compatible with GWB 12 by manually adding lactate to thermo.tdat and then saving it as a new thermo dataset. You can download GWB 12 formatted thermo datasets on the main GWB website or find them installed with the Gtdata folder. 

Hope this helps,

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