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1. If we have tracer data how to put it as we want to see the peak graph in concentration vs time graph
2. How to model mass recovery for tracer purpose



If you’re talking about X1t or X2t simulation results, you can make an XY plot with Time elapsed as the X-axis variable, concentration as the Y-axis variable, and for Position choose the node corresponding to your monitoring point. If you’re just talking about raw data, you can add the concentration and Time elapsed values to a GSS spreadsheet and then plot the data.

For more information, please see sections 6.2 XY Plot configuration, 6.5 Scatter data, and 6.7 Exporting the plot in the GWB Reactive Transport Modeling Guide. Please see as well 3.6 Graphing data in the GWB Essentials Guide for instructions on plotting GSS data. You might also be interested in the tutorial “How do I plot a breakthrough curve?” on our tutorials webpage.

If you have more specific questions about using our software, feel free to follow up.

Hope this helps,

Brian Farrell
Aqueous Solutions

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