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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Everything posted by al3xwall3r

  1. Great, thank you so much for your help! The model is now running perfectly!
  2. I was wondering if I could get some help with one of my models. I am recreating a soil profile with various minerals and measuring the rate of carbon consumption. The model works and runs perfectly until I add "Kinetic Calcite" into my reactants and then the simulation only gets a minute in before coming up with the message "Newton-Raphson didn't converge after 999 iterations, max residual = 4.27e-07, Xi = 0.0031 / Newton failed at node 0". I was wondering if one of your team could get a better understanding about why I run into this problem. I have attached my input file below. Weathering Soil Test Broken.x1t
  3. Does GWB have a substitute mineral for Olivine as it does not appear directly under 'Minerals'?
  4. Is it possible to set a vertical flow instead of a horizontal flow direction in X1t?
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