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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Everything posted by James

  1. Hi Jia, Thanks for your feedback. I am working with a colleague, and we have a Python script that successfully initializes and runs our X1t script. Our question now is how to return specific results as a function of time for a specified node. To get the results, we ran:myGWBrun.results("Mass reacted, CO2(g)", "kg", ix=0)which returns an array of length 2 of [-999999, 3.5]We have 2 main questions: What exactly does this array represent? More importantly, how can we return specific results as a function of time for the node? Thanks again, James
  2. Hi, Basic question. Is it possible to initialize and run X1t (using a text input script) from Python and then retrieve select results also from Python? Can ChemPlugin be used for this? Thanks James
  3. Thanks for the feedback Jia. This is very helpful for narrowing down the issue. James
  4. Hi, I have a basic question about optimizing X1t runs. When I run my X1t model with built-in mineral dissolution rate laws, the run takes about 18 seconds on my computer - but when I run the same model using custom rate laws that more accurately describe the mineral dissolution, it takes around 550 seconds. This difference becomes more significant if I add more kinetic minerals. Is there a way to optimize my script or configure my runs to speed things up? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, James J jj_X1t_OL_PX_Built_In.x1t jj_X1t_OL_PX_Custom.x1t jerdenThermo_2023.tdat IonEx_jj_2023.sdat
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