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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


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Posts posted by James

  1. Hi Jia,
    Thanks for your feedback. I am working with a colleague, and we have a Python script that successfully initializes and runs our X1t script. Our question now is how to return specific results as a function of time for a specified node. To get the results, we ran:myGWBrun.results("Mass reacted, CO2(g)", "kg", ix=0)which returns an array of length 2 of [-999999, 3.5]We have 2 main questions:
    1. What exactly does this array represent?
    2. More importantly, how can we return specific results as a function of time for the node?
    Thanks again,
  2. Hi, I have a basic question about optimizing X1t runs. When I run my X1t model with built-in mineral dissolution rate laws, the run takes about 18 seconds on my computer - but when I run the same model using custom rate laws that more accurately describe the mineral dissolution, it takes around 550 seconds. This difference becomes more significant if I add more kinetic minerals. Is there a way to optimize my script or configure my runs to speed things up? Any advice would be appreciated. 
    James J

    jj_X1t_OL_PX_Built_In.x1t jj_X1t_OL_PX_Custom.x1t jerdenThermo_2023.tdat IonEx_jj_2023.sdat

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