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React: charge balance error!

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I have a problem when using React and Spec8. When i enter the data on the basis and exclude alkalinity the % ion balance error is low ~ 13%.whe plotting this data on Gplot the data is skewed towards the cations !Howver, when I include the alkalinity the error increases to 90% with the plotted data balancing. Is there anything that that i'm doing wrong?




I have a problem when using React and Spec8. When i enter the data on the basis and exclude alkalinity the % ion balance error is low ~ 13%.whe plotting this data on Gplot the data is skewed towards the cations !Howver, when I include the alkalinity the error increases to 90% with the plotted data balancing. Is there anything that that i'm doing wrong?




Can you tell me what version of the software you are using? (Click on the Help - About React menu option in the React module).




Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.


its version 8.0 I subsequently upgraded to 8.0.5 with the patch but the problem persist!


I am able to reproduce the 90% imbalance error, but not the 13%, as I'm not sure how you've configured your bicarbonate units, but maybe this will help...


Note that constraining your Basis using carbonate alkalinity vs. bicarbonate concentration is setting up a completely different problem:


  • if you constrain your Basis using 1728 mg/kg carbonate alkalinity, this is the equivalent ~.017 molal CO3-- (at your very alkaline pH of 12.5)
  • if you constrain your Basis using 1728 mg/kg HCO3- component, this is the equivalent of ~.029 molal CO3--, or roughly twice the alkalinity as the first configuration


The latter configuration results in a much higher negative charge imbalance.


I hope that helps,


Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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