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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

H2(g) as basis species

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is it possible to have H2(g) as basis species in the parameterfile? From what we have it appears, that aqueous species only are permitted as basis species.


Background is that in our database redox reactions are defined in terms of H2(g) instead of with O2(aq).








is it possible to have H2(g) as basis species in the parameterfile? From what we have it appears, that aqueous species only are permitted as basis species.


Background is that in our database redox reactions are defined in terms of H2(g) instead of with O2(aq).






Dear Helge:


Unfortunately, basis species must be aqueous species.


We still await your response to an example of a database with redox reactions formatted according to H2(g) (see forum post: https://www.rockware.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=786) as we would consider implementing this into GWB.


Is this forthcoming?


Best regards,


Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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