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not getting scatter data onto Act2 plot


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Hello all,


I am trying to get my data to plot on an Act2 diagram, without success. I am using the following command script in Act2:


Act2> diagram Al+++ on Al+++ vs pH

Act2> x 3 8; y -10 0

Act2> go


with this data set:


Sample ID pH Al+++ log a Al+++

mg/l ug/l

04CO-101 04CO-101 6.5 0.0184 -6.176

04CO-102 04CO-102 6.4 0.01022 -6.431

04CO-103 04CO-103 3.5 18.4 -3.176

04CO-104 04CO-104 7.5 0.01 -6.4


(I couldn't upload the gss file b/c it says I'm not permitted to upload this kind of file). in this case, I used Excel to generate {log a Al+++} and made a column in GSS as a user-defined analyte with the same name.


any ideas?




Rich Wanty

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Hi Rich:


Can you attach the Act2 script and especially GSS file that you are working with?


Reasonably sure you'll need to do this using the legacy scatter data option (text file), but would like to look at your data first to be sure.




Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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Hi, Tom,


sorry, but when I try to upload the .gss file, I get the message, "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" the file is very simple- 4 rows and 4 columns as in my original post. if you send me your email address i will send it to you that way.


thanks for the help,



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Hi, Tom,


here's the .gss file, saved as tab-delimited text. when I tried to add the text scatter data to the plot, it didn't work either.






Hi Rich:


Go ahead and email the GSS file to me as well. I'll take a look at both the txt and GSS based scatter dataset.


I am at SEG this week, so my response time is slower than usual.




Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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Disregard the previous reply- attached is a revised working scatter data text file containing only the necessary parts. The legacy scatter data format is rather fickle. A couple of things that I changed:


  • List the Y column data first
  • List the values for aluminium on a log scale, matching that of the diagram
  • Change the header of the aluminium data column to be the name of the component only (ie. not 'log component')


I hope that helps,



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fyi, the reason that the GSS data will not work is that there is no way to put activity values directly into the spreadsheet. You can calculate them using the Data - Calculate option, and then they should plot on the Act2 diagram.






thanks, Tom,


the text file you sent worked just fine, and I'll play with some variations to see what will work. this was just a simple test file to get the ball rolling. your later suggestion was right on the money- now it works in gss as well.


thanks very much for the help!



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Turns out I was wrong in saying there is no way to input activity data directly into the GSS spreadsheet. You can do this by creating a new analyte- go to Data -> Add Analytes, and click on the New button. Set category as Species Activities and give the new analyte the same name as the species you are plotting on your Act2 diagram. I've tested this, and it plots fine in Act2.


Hope that helps,



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