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Output files

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Is it possible to get an output file for the simulations run with react or x1t?


I can produce graphs of the data but would like to get the concentrations of elements in the different cells on individual timesteps, so I can input them into a separate model.


Is the output data stored on a drive on my computer and if so how can I view it?

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From the Results pane of React, X1t, X2t, etc., there is a button "View Results" that lets you see a text file of printed output for the run. In X1t and X2t this button is grayed out by default (data is not written to a text file, only the plotting dataset). To generate printed output, you need to go to the "Config" menu, then choose "Output..." and select "print dataset." You can choose which parameters to include and how often they should be reported. Printing written results adds time to the solution, so most people have it disabled until they get a run the way they like it.


Hope this helps,

Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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