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I was trying to work out the hmw model on React. And I keep getting this error.


"Solving for initial system.

-- Error:

Could not open React_output.txt file.

(Do you have write permission in this directory?)"


My Command is as follows:

React> hmw

React> Na+ = 6 molal

React> Cl- = 6 molal

React> Ca++ = .01 molal

React> SO4-- = .01 molal

React> go

React> go


May I know what I am doing wrong?





Hi Suma,


It sounds like you might have your Working Directory set to Program files/ Program files (x86), or some other restricted folder. Windows prevents users from writing to these folders.


To change your directory, you should open up React and go to File - Working Directory... and select a different folder. You might work under Users/, the Desktop, or a "GWB_scripts" folder. for example. For more info, look up the "chdir" command in the GWB Reference Manual.


Hope this helps,


Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

  • 1 year later...

Hi Brian,

I have tried to run the script below several times using the thermo_Phrqpitz. However a couple of errors are displayer when i initiate the run.

Find my script below.




# X1t script, saved Wed May 14 2014 by jadeoye
> data = "C:\Program Files\Gwb\Gtdata\thermo.dat" verify
> conductivity = "C:\Program Files\Gwb\Gtdata\conductivity.dat"
Reading conductivity data from: C:\Program Files\Gwb\Gtdata\conductivity.dat
> time start = 0 day, end = 275 hr
> delta_x = table {2.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 } cm
> width = 8 cm
> height = 8 cm
> Nx = 13
> discharge = .000265 cm3/cm2/s
> porosity = .38
> dispersivity = 30 cm
> heat_source = 0 J/cm3/yr, temp_min = 25, temp_max = 200
> scope = initial
> H2O = 1 free kg
> Ca++ = 1657.3 mg/l
> Mg++ = 1838.3 mg/l
> Na+ = 14776.9 mg/l
> K+ = 649.7 mg/l
> SO4-- = 5972.32 mg/l
> Cl- = 22800 mg/l
> balance on Cl-
> Br- = 101.343 mg/l
> pH = 8
> SiO2(aq) = 1e-5 mg/l
> TDS = 42000
> density = 1
> scope = inlet
> H2O = 1 free kg
> Ca++ = 579.3 mg/l
> Mg++ = 2036 mg/l
> Na+ = 14317.6 mg/l
> K+ = 603.05 mg/l
> SO4-- = 3834.1 mg/l
> Cl- = 22500 mg/l
> balance on Cl-
> Br- = 95.2 mg/l
> pH = 8.25
> SiO2(aq) = 1e-5 mg/l
> TDS = 42000
> kinetic Quartz 97 wt% rate_con = 4.2e-18 surface = 1000
> kinetic Gypsum 3 wt% rate_con = 4.7e-9 surface = 3000
> printout on
X1t >

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