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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

HCO3- in Minteq thermo dataset

Kirk Dean

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I have been trying to use the Minteq thermodynamic dataset in GWB v8.0.12 because it has speciation data for more arsenic species. Whenever I run calculations I get errors that I need to swap HCO3- into the basis. So I have been having to use an elaborate and time-consuming workaround. Surely GWB is smart enough to calculate the HCO3- from carbonate alkalinity. I don't want to re-calculate the entire MINTEQ database using HCO3-. Has someone figured a better work-around for this problem?

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Hi Kirk,


Do you have thermo_minteq.dat loaded (which has CO3-- as the Basis species), but are trying to read a script which was written with HCO3- as the Basis species? This might be a simple fix. Could you please post the script that is giving you problems?




Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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Yes, I am wanting to use thermo_minteq, which has CO3-2 as the basis species. I don't really know what script is being run. I was in GSS, trying to calculate solution parameters such as charge balance. I get error messages that say I need to swap HCO3- into the basis. I get the same message in other programs in the GWB suite as well.



Hi Kirk,


Do you have thermo_minteq.dat loaded (which has CO3-- as the Basis species), but are trying to read a script which was written with HCO3- as the Basis species? This might be a simple fix. Could you please post the script that is giving you problems?




Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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