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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Xtplot error message


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Hi All,


I am working on a reactive transport simulation which seems to be running just fine--the simulation ends and tells me that it was successful. But Xtplot gives me an error message that says that the "input file is not in correct format". I can see the X2t_plot file in the directory and it looks like it was updated (it is about 450 MB). Any suggestions as to what might be happening? Is the X2t_plot file too big? I don't understand why the simulation appears successful but the plot file is not correct. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Kate

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Hi Kate,


Can you open Xtplot directly from the dashboard? If so, try to reset the configuration then try opening the plot file again. If that doesn't help, could you please attach the plot file? Or, if you'd prefer, you can send it to support@gwb.com and I'll take a look.




Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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Hi Brian,


I reset the configuration in Xtplot but it still can't open the plot file. I reran the simulation with simpler chemistry and everything works fine--both the model and the plot. The plot file that I can't open is huge--even zipped it's over 100 MB. Maybe I'll leave it for now--if I run into the same problem down the road as the model gets more complex I'll send it to you via Dropbox (or whatever your file management preference is).


Thanks for your response, Kate

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