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cant find a mineral in the data base

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i was trying to calculate the stability field of silver species, but i cant find cerargyrite (AgCl) in the mineral list.

is there a way to add this mineral to the database ?

via Support -> Edit thermo Data -> new i can open new thermo Data, but i dont know, what exactly i have to change and i dont wanna screw something up :/.

And i still dont know, which data base im actually using at the moment.


Can anyone help me with this problem, please?


thx alot so far


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To find out what thermo database you are using currently, go to the File... menu and select File Properties->Thermo data. This will bring up a dialog box with information on the current thermo database. The default thermodynamic dataset used in The GWB is thermo.tdat. You can find more information on the different thermo datasets distributed with the software here.


Thermo datasets are fully editable. To add a new mineral, for example, you just need an equilibrium constant corresponding to a reaction to form the mineral from species in the dataset. You can use the TEdit program (under the support tab on the GWB dashboard) to modify a dataset in this way. It’s always a good idea to start by opening an existing dataset and saving it to a different name before modifying it in some way. For more information, see the TEdit section in the GWB Essentials Guide. You can also view tutorials on how to edit thermo datasets here.


Kind regards,




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