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Reaction rates and specific contact area for gases

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I am trying to set up a kinetic geochemical model that simulates injection of gas (H2) into a system composed of brine and minerals. I'd like to model the injected gas kinetically through Reactants-->Kinetic--> Gas transfer option. After reading the Gas transfer kinetics description in the Reaction Modeling Guide tutorial of GWB and doing quite a bit of research, I could not find any information about rate constant or specific contact area of the gases.


I am wondering if anyone has an idea of the order of magnitude reaction rates for gases as well as specific contact area. I would greatly appreciate any comments. Thank you.


Best regards,



Hi again,


In regards to my previous question, I'd like to make sure the entered value for kinetic gas is a fugacity coefficient. Is it correct or it is an effective pressure of gas so it needs to have a unit such as atm or bar. Thanks.





Hi Neda,


I don't know too much about specific values for rate constants that would be useful for you. As for the second question, you are not specifying a fugacity coefficient. Rather, you directly specify the fugacity, or effective pressure in bars, of the gas in the external reservoir.


Hope this helps,


Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions


Hi Brian,


Thank you for clarifying fugacity unit. Since there is no unit written in front of this parameter, it a bit confusing to understand the exact meaning of it.


Best regards,


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