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Hello Casey,


Thank you for sharing your GSS file. It was very helpful. The issue you are encountering is because the programs don't recognize commas in numerical values. Remove them to properly plot your data on the Schoeller diagram. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Kind regards,



Aqueous Solutions LLC

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That did the trick, thanks!


I have one other question about time series plots. If I want to look at some change in a parameter at one well over time, is there a way to have that done automatically? For instance right now, I have water samples from Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb. To get the time series plot to work (let's say from one of my wells, DD8A), in the plot configuration I have to select the 4 instances of DD8A (one from each month) to get it to plot. Everytime I want to change the parameter I want to plot over time, it automatically defaults back to just one instance of DD8A so I have to select all 4 instances again. Is there a setup that makes it possible to just select the well and parameter I want and the program automatically recognize and plot every data point over time?



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Hello Casey,

First, I recommend giving each of your samples a unique name, perhaps something like DD8A-Nov, DD8A-Dec, DD8A-Jan, etc. The sample selection dialog isn’t really designed for different samples having the same name. Once you do this, I think you’ll be okay changing the Y-axis variable while preserving your selected samples.

If you’d like to quickly compare time-series plots for different wells, it sounds like it might be easiest to save a config file for each of your well sites. Set up a time-series plot with all of the samples from a single well selected (i.e. all the DD8As), then go to File > Save As… and set a name for the Gtplot configuration file like “Water_DD8A_gtplot_conf.gtc”. Plot up all the samples from another well and save a configuration file for that too.

Once you have your unique config files, you can load one into Gtplot by going to File > Open > Configuration…, or dragging and dropping it into your open Gtplot window. This way you could load a config file for any of your well sites with your preferred settings (one well at multiple times) and easily change your Y Axis variable type. You can read more about loading and saving plot configuration in section 8.4 of the GWB Essentials Guide.

Hope this helps,


Aqueous Solutions LLC
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