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The relationship between SUPCRT92 and GWB

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I am new in learning GWB to model some process in geochemistry. Before GWB, i was trying to learn how to use EQ3/6, which is not very friendly to new learner. And i was confused by the function of SUPCRT92, it seems that we have to use it to generate new therodymatic datasets for GWB/ EQ3/6.


However, GWB has its own datasets, why do we still need SUPCRT92?

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SUPCRT92 is a program used to calculate thermodynamic properties (log Ks, equilibrium reactions, etc.) at almost any temperature or pressure. Most GWB users are able to utilize the thermodynamic datasets distributed with the software. However, a user may want to account in their calculations for species or minerals not included in the GWB datasets, or to use data derived from more recent and higher quality experiments, or a user might want to run calculations at P-T conditions that are different from those set in the GWB’s defaults datasets. In these cases, a user might search for log K values in a different dataset or in the literature or use a program like SUPCRT92 to calculate the log Ks from other types of thermodynamic data.

Hope this helps,


Aqueous Solutions LLC
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SUPCRT92 is a program used to calculate thermodynamic properties (log Ks, equilibrium reactions, etc.) at almost any temperature or pressure. Most GWB users are able to utilize the thermodynamic datasets distributed with the software. However, a user may want to account in their calculations for species or minerals not included in the GWB datasets, or to use data derived from more recent and higher quality experiments, or a user might want to run calculations at P-T conditions that are different from those set in the GWB’s defaults datasets. In these cases, a user might search for log K values in a different dataset or in the literature or use a program like SUPCRT92 to calculate the log Ks from other types of thermodynamic data.
Hope this helps,
Aqueous Solutions LLC


Hi Katezat

Thank you very much. It is very useful for me to learn this.I have a clear understanding now.

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