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I am new using GWB, and I am trying to calculate EC in GSS 9.0 (on GWB Pro). When I add the analyte and ask for "Calculate", some cell show calculation results, and others are empty (21 samples, only 8 have results). I already try updating GWB and calculating again the EC. (I am sorry for my English, not native).

Can someone help me? thanks in advance :)


Hello Paulina,


Can you please attach your GSS file? Then I'd be happy to take a look and will have a better understanding of what you're trying to do.


Thank you,



Aqueous Solutions LLC


Hi Katelyn,


Thank you so much. In the file you will find a bunch of water samples and all the analytes I can get in. pH, Temperature, Eh are field parameters, and some samples were VERY high in sediment, I already calculate the ion equilibrium error and for those samples is up to 70%. But still can not calculate EC (CE in Spanish). Thanks again :)




2_QA-QC CE 2016.07.25.gss


Hello Paulina,


Thank you for sharing your spreadsheet. I would recommend you take a look at conductivity.dat (File - View - conductivity.dat from within GSS) and the reference mentioned for explanation of calculating electrical conductivity. You’ll notice the calculation is temperature dependent, and limited to values between 20C and 30C, which is why it was only calculated for some of your samples.


Kind regards,



Aqueous Solutions LLC


Hello Paulina,


I also wanted to mention that our latest release, GWB11, offers an alternative method for calculating electrical conductivity*. The USGS electrical conductivity model is valid over a much larger temperature (0 – 95 ⁰C) and ionic strength (0 – 1 molal) range, so you would be able to calculate the conductivity for all of your samples. Please visit http://gwb.com/requests.php to request an upgrade quote or free 30 day demo.


*Reference: McCleskey, R. Blaine, Nordstrom, D. Kirk, Ryan, Joseph N., and Ball, James W., 2012, A new method of calculating electrical conductivity with applications to natural waters: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 77, p. 369-382.


Kind regards,



Aqueous Solutions LLC

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