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Script file for rate law


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Hi! I am very new to GWB, so forgive me if any of this seems rather simplistic.


I created a rate law script to try to fix a problem where certain parts of a chemical reaction are going to zero within a few years of a ten-year simulation, causing GWB to crash.



Methane(aq) + 8*Fe(OH)3 + 15*H+ -> 8*Fe++ +HCO3- + 21*H2O


To fix this, I think I want to set the rate equal to zero every time certain elements in a node dip below a threshold value, but running the simulation with my current script gives the following error message "Could not evaluate rate law script at line 2". I'm guessing I have not set up the indexing of my nodes or time step correctly, but am unsure how to proceed.



Here is the code as it stands now:


i = 1

begin_loop1: If (molality(Methane(aq)(i)) < 1e-20 or mass(Fe(OH)3(i)) < 100)

rate = 0;

return rate;

i = i+1



cat = 1.0

i = 1

begin_loop: If i > ncatal THEN GOTO end_loop

cat = cat* acatal(i)^pcatal(i)

i = i+1

GOTO begin_loop

end_loop: rate = Wmass*cat*rate_con*(1.0 - QoverK)




I would appreciate any advice on how to adapt my script so that I am correctly indexing nodes at each time step.





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Here is my .x2t script. I was using the built in rate law before, and the only change now is substituting in a script for rate law. I cannot attach the document for some reason, but here is what I am using:



If (molality("Methane(aq)") < 1e-20 or mass("Fe(OH)3") < 100) THEN rate = 0 ELSE 40


40: cat = 1.0

i = 1

begin_loop: If i > ncatal THEN GOTO end_loop

cat = cat* acatal(i)^pcatal(i)

i = i+1

GOTO begin_loop

end_loop: rate = Wmass*cat*rate_con*(1.0 - QoverK)








At this point, I am not getting an error message, but the program is not running at all.

Thanks so much!



methane react test-midscale.x2t

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