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I am trying to make a Piper Diagram with 26 samples, but when I plot it and open up "Configure Plot", I try to select all the samples under the "Available" column to plot all of them but it's only plotting 16 of them. I am wondering if there is a maximum number of samples you can plot? Or how can I change the settings so that I can plot all 26? Also, when I try to select only the samples that won't plot, the program jumps to another sample and won't plot them at all (See attached screen shot).






Hi Kelly,


Gtplot currently requires that all samples have unique names. You should go back into GSS and add a suffix to any of your samples that are not uniquely named (i.e. B1W3_1, B1W3_2). Then, just go to Graphs -> Update Graphs in GSS or File -> Update Plot Data in Gtplot to refresh your plot.


Hope this helps,


Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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