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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Activation Failure

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I am trying to install GWB, and am getting the following error:


The activation of the fulfillment in denied by the activation policy because fulfill count exceeded the available seat count


I suppose it could possibly have something to do that I originally tried to install GWB on my Mac's virtual machine but was unable to complete the installation due to disk storage issues. I am now trying to install on a separate Windows machine, but am having the above issue. I checked out the activation utility on my Mac virtual machine to see if I could deactivate the license there, but nothing is shown there to deactivate.


Any help would be appreciated, and I have attached a picture of the error message. Thank you!


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Occasionally weird things happen with virtual machines. If you were able to see your activation on the first machine the correct procedure would be to deactivate, but since you can't I've gone ahead and reset your license from our end. You should be all set to activate on the new machine. I hope you enjoy using the GWB.




Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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