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I have GWB Professional 9.09, I have a lot of data in GSS and have been trying to transfer it to spec8, when I transfer the data I lose some components. Has anyone else had this problem?






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attached are a GSS file and a spec8 file that I created by launching spec8 from GSS, the drag and drop facility is not working for me, you will see that it is dropping out Na and Cl from the spec8 file. Thanks for any help.






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Hi Gordon,

Thanks for attaching the files. The commas in your spreadsheet are causing the problem. Remove those and you should be back in business. As for the “0” values, they’ll prevent SpecE8 from converging on a solution. Whether or not they get included in the launch depends on whether or not you check the ‘Treat zero values as “no data”’ option.

By the way, I noticed that the basis entries in your spreadsheet are tagged as free constraints, meaning the concentrations you set are for the individual species rather than the total concentration (the mass of the thermodynamic component). For example, 96 free mg/l HCO3- means that you have 96 mg of HCO3- ion, plus an additional amount of CO2(aq), CO3--, NaHCO3, etc. The majority of lab analyses, however, provide bulk composition; the default setting in GSS and the other GWB apps reflect this. If you leave the free setting off, 96 mg/l HCO3- means the sum of all carbonate species sum to 96 mg. Just wanted to check whether this was appropriate for your analyses.


Brian Farrell

Aqueous Solutions LLC
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Many thanks for the advice Brian, I'll have a crack at it. It'll take some time as I have 200 samples!






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