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Surface precipitation model

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to reproduce the surface precipitation model of Cu in HFO y HAO developed by Karthikeyan and Elliott (1999) (Surface Complexation Modeling of Copper Sorption by Hydrous Oxides of Iron and Aluminum, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 220, 88–95 (1999). I would like to edit FeOH.dat sorption file to include equations [5] to [8] considered by the authors. However, I am not sure how due to these equations consider both sorbed and precipitated species

To include eqs. [5] and [6] I was thinking of include the following species:



     charge=  1.0       mole wt.=  171.4228

     4 species in reaction

       1.000 >(s)FeOH       -1.000 H+              1.000 Cu++

               2.000 H2O

     log K=  -0.7500    dlogK/dT=   0.0000



     charge=  1.0       mole wt.=  171.4228

     4 species in reaction

       1.000 >(w)FeOH       -1.000 H+              1.000 Cu++

               2.000 H2O

     log K=  -0.7500    dlogK/dT=   0.0000


but I am not sure if this is a proper way to represent this model of surface precipitation.

Regarding to eq. [7] and [8], I don’t know how to include it, due to these equations represent the change in Ksp precipitation due to HFO adsorption.


I would appreciate any recommendation

Best regards,

Mauricio Montecinos

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