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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

database with the elements of the lanthanide group (Rare Earth Elements)

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what database do you recommend for the rare earth elements analysis?

I need to make speciation diagrams and plots temperature-activity. Will they have articles with related examples?

For your attention and understanding, thank you 

Yours sincerely, Gustavo.

Guest Melika Sharifi

Dear Gustavo,

The GWB comes with a set of thermo datasets that you can load each into any GWB app using File-->Open-->Thermo Data... . Thermo.com.V8.R6 dataset, for example, includes a couple of rare earth elements. To check the elements, basis species, redox couple, minerals, and gases included in each of the thermos datasets distributed by GWB, you can use TEdit app.  If you can’t find a particular species, it’s a simple matter to add the necessary reactions and log Ks to the GWB thermo datasets. I think you will find TEdit app very useful for making these modifications. Sections 9.2.3 and 9.2.4 in the GWB Essentials Guide describe how to add reactions to your thermo dataset using TEdit. You can access the Users Guides from the Help menu of any GWB app.

In future, please make sure that your question is posted in the main section of the GWB forum, and not the archive section.



Melika Sharifi

Aqueous Solutions LLC

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