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Hi Brian

We struggle to write a script in Chemplugin for the reaction rate of kinetic minerals. The script for dolomite is given below.

Python also don't like the double notation: "H+" for the parameters.

 "kinetic Dolomite-Mn 12.1 volume% rate_law = script 'rate = (1.49e-02*EXP(-29000/(8.3144598*TK))*activity("H+")^0.75 + 1.00e-02*EXP(-34800/(8.3144598*TK))*activity("H2CO3")^0.75 + 2.20e-7*EXP(-52200/(8.3144598*TK))*activity("H2O")^0.75) * surface * (1 - QoverK) RETURN rate' pre-exp = ??? act_eng = ??? surface = .65"

We would appreciate your help.

Regards Johan

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