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[OLD] Salinity effect on CO2 solubility

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From: Tullis Onstott

Subject: Salinity effect on CO2 solubility

We have some researchers here at Princeton working on injecting CO2 into deep, brine-filled, reservoirs and I was wondering where a good source of experimental data for the effect of salinity on CO2 solubility can be found?


From: Mark J. Logsdon

Subject: Re: Salinity effect on CO2 solubility

This is discussed generally in Holland and Malinin (1979), The Solubility and occurrence of Non-Ore Minerals, in H.L. Barnes (ed), Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 2nd ed, p. 461-508, esp. pages 481-482. Their Fig. 9.16 cites experimental data from Holland and Borcsik (1965) and Ellis and Golding (1963), and the text gives an empirical relationship of calcite solubility to ionic strength due to Malinin (1975; a publication that looks to be available only in Russian).


From: Robert G. Benson

Subject: Re: Salinity effect on CO2 solubility

In addition to the sources that Mark suggested, McKibben and Hardie, 1997, Ore-forming Brines in Active Continental Rifts, in Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, 3rd ed., pp. 877 -935, have analytical data from a number of brines. I don't work with these systems much, but hope this helps too. I ran across this stuff earlier today looking for ideas for a geochem test.

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