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[OLD] GWB database - reaction question


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From: Yoshida Yasushi

Subject: GWB database - reaction equation

I have one question for the constitution for reaction equation. In the original GWB database, the reaction of species including different redox state from basis species are described using redox couples (for example UO2F+ is described as UO2++ + F- <-> UO2F+), however if the reaction of 2H2O <-> O2 + 4H+ + 4e- is used for reaction equation, the reaction of species including different redox state from basis species are described without redox couples (for UO2F+, U++++ + H2O + F- + 0.5O2 = 2H+ + UO2F+). I would like to know if there is any problem for description for reaction equation including redox without using redox couples.


From: Craig Bethke

Subject: Re: GWB database - reaction equation

You can balance reactions in the database in terms of the primary basis, neglecting the redox species. The only disadvantage to this strategy is that you will not be able to decouple correctly the redox pairs in question.

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