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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

Suppress mineral formation issue

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I am trying to evaporate a solution and want to suppress all chloride minerals except for Halite and Sylvite. When we suppress these minerals they do not appear in the minerals formed when plotting. However, when plotting the saturation index for chloride species various other chloride minerals are still observed. Is there any way to suppress these? I want to see what would form if all chloride in the brine went to only halite and sylvite. 





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Once a species or mineral has been suppressed, the program will not allow it to form in your system. The saturation index is a measure of whether or not it is thermodynamically possible that a mineral can precipitate given the fluid composition and it will be calculated whether or not a mineral is suppressed.

Are you using SpecE8 or using React for your simulation? If you are using SpecE8, you will not observe mineral precipitation. SpecE8 calculates the chemical mass distribution of a fluid in a static system and will not allow minerals to precipitate. If you would like to simulate mineral precipitation, please use React which does allows reaction modeling of dynamic system.

In the future, please try to refrain from posting the same issue in multiple threads.

Hope this helps,
Jia Wang
Aqueous Solutions LLC


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