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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum

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If you are new to the GWB support forum, you'll want to start by creating a new user account. When you first visit the forum, you'll see a Welcome Guest message near the top:




You can start creating a new account by clicking on the Register button. On the screen that follows, read the rules and conditions, fill in the checkbox, and click on the Register button:




On the next screen, enter your username, email address, password, industry, sector and program of interest. Then put in the security code displayed in the image towards the bottom and click on Submit my registration:




The confirmation screen that follows...




...will tell you that you'll need to complete your registration by clicking on the Activation link in an email sent to you by the Support forum. The Activation email will look somewhat like the following- you must activate your account before you can post messages!




After activating your account via email, you are ready to begin posting messages to the Support Forum. To learn how to do this, visit the next thread: Posting a Message.

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