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I have used GWB Essentials for low temperature modelling purposes but now need to look at deeper systems for CO2 storage simulations. For this purpose I am looking at using GWB Pro for reaction transport modelling and need to know if GWB can model reactions in the presence of supercritical CO2. I am aware of the limitations when modelling brine chemistry but my main interest is in finding out if the supercritical reaction pathways are included.

  • 2 weeks later...
Dear Jono:


At this point, there is no specific provision in the GWB for modeling supercritical fluids.


I hope that helps,


Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.



Many thanks Tom. In light of your reply, we will probably run with GWB Standard and the Petrasim TOUGH2 and TOGHREACT modules to cover the supercritical reaction transport modelling.




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