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Geochemist's Workbench Support Forum


Patrice de Caritat

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When importing a large dataset into GSS, I got a GSS error "The parameter is incorrect" when I tried to run Data/Calculate. After some searching, I figured out that I had imported a few cells whose low analyte concentrations (e.g., 0.0001 mg/L) got truncated (e.g, to 0.000 mg/L). After rectifiyng these, Calculate works fine. So be careful when importing that you keep all the data.

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When importing a large dataset into GSS, I got a GSS error "The parameter is incorrect" when I tried to run Data/Calculate. After some searching, I figured out that I had imported a few cells whose low analyte concentrations (e.g., 0.0001 mg/L) got truncated (e.g, to 0.000 mg/L). After rectifiyng these, Calculate works fine. So be careful when importing that you keep all the data.


Hi Patrice:


We're unable to reproduce this from Excel- would you mind sending me the dataset that caused this error, and describe the import process? Feel free to send the data to gwb@rockware.com




Tom Meuzelaar

RockWare, Inc.

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